Mozart was writing piano concertos throughout his life – the first at the age of four, and the last one – completed in early 1791. His 27 concertos, too, effectively transformed the idea of this genre, which had been considered mostly ‘salon’, making the solo instrument an equal partner in a dynamic dialogue with the orchestra, with a vivid and distinct personality in each new opus. The PIANO CONCERTO No. 27 was commenced as early as 1788, but after writing the first two movements and 39 bars of the finale, the composer left it for a later date, presumably preoccupied with forthcoming performances of the completed preceding concertos. The already completed manuscript bears the date January 5th 1791; the premiere performance of the B-flat major concerto on March 4th ,1791 was again a triumph for Mozart, but it was also his last public appearance as a pianist. This concerto is a kind of emanation of the radiant side of Mozart’s soulfulness, breathing in the graceful elegance of the first movement, the beautifully sophisticated lyricism of the slow second, and the vital finale, growing out of the bright theme of Mozart’s song “Sehnsucht nach dem Frühling” (“Longing for Spring”), also known as “Komm, lieber Mai” (“Come, dear May”), which follows immediately after the concerto as K. 596 in Koechel’s catalogue.